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Service by Project

Here are some of the services we can provide for you divided into the rooms of your house. Our hope is that by dividing the service offerings by room it will be easier for you to select the service you need.



"Some assembly required" can often lead to hours of headache, so leave the assembly to us. 




Replacing ceiling fans, garbage disposals and more can add a fresh new feeling to your house. 


Image by Steven Ungermann


Adding crown molding or wainscoting can add a classic look while adding a layer of interest to your rooms. 




Do you have some paint that needs a touch-up, or perhaps you want to change color completely? We've got you covered. 


Mixing Paint


Your house gets lots of love. Many spaces see years of use. Maybe it's time to give them a bit of the repair they deserve.


Using Tools

Honey Do List

We all have that list of things that need to get done. No need to put them off any longer, we are here to help. 

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

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